Our Safety Culture
Our statistics
As a results-driven operation, we take great pride in having outcomes that speak for themselves:
Our performance is determined by our RESULTS and not our PROCESS.
At Globe Group, our greatest priority is the health & safety of our employees.
Simply, no people – no projects.
The majority of our partner industries require physical work and all physical work is risky by nature.
Globe Group is committed to being on the forefront of workplace health & safety education to reduce these risks.
Accredited Integrated Management System
Each facet of our health & safety policy is underpinned by our accredited Integrated Management System and encompasses best-practice procedure.
Since our inception, Globe Group has changed shape. As a company, we have evolved, taken leaps and experienced many forms of growth. Throughout these shifts, the wellbeing of our employees has always held the greatest importance to us. It is imperative to us that our employees are both fit for work and return home safely each day.
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